We have the best LUNCH HEROES! Thank you for everything you do to keep us fed!
Thank you, Mr. Brooke, for being a principal who leads by example. You may see him washing dishes, directing traffic, subbing in the classrooms, or a host of many other things. Happy Principal's Day!
Congratulations to Mrs. Shrontz on being named Assistant Principal of the Year for District 4! She deserves this and so much more for the countless hours she dedicates to PJHS!
Congratulations to Shiloh! He won the underwater test by swimming the length of the pool and back without taking a breath!
It's not too late to register for a SPORTS PHYSICAL!
Congratulations to Senior Kadence Krueger on being named the 2021-22 Student Council Member-of-the-Year. We wish Kadence tremendous success at IU.
Sunshine Initiation and Ideal Ladies Tea will be held on Sunday, May 1 from 2-4. Hope you see you there! Come through door 18.
May menu:
Don't forget about SPORTS PHYSICALS being offered May 4 for $15.00!
Congratulations to both the junior and senior high choirs, which received gold ratings this weekend at the ISSMA competition.
HAPPY ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL'S DAY to MRS. SHRONTZ! We are blessed to have such an awesome assistant principal who goes beyond what is expected of her to make PIONEER the best it can be! Thank you, Mrs. Shrontz for truly living the black and gold!
We are so proud of our junior high students who received the honor of participating in the incentives party today! Keep up the good work!
Plan ahead for April lunches!
Pioneer Jr. Sr. High School is on a 2 hour delay for Friday, February 25th.
March lunch menu
Pioneer Jr. Sr. High School will be closed today, Feb. 17th, due to flooding roads and winter storm warning. Today will be an eLearning Day. Assignments will be on Canvas by 8:30am. #PantherPride
Pioneer Jr. Sr. High School has an eLearning Day for Thursday, Feb 3rd. Assignments will be on Canvas by 8:30am. Don't forget to complete your attendance form too. #PantherPride
Pioneer Jr. Sr. High School has an eLearning Day for Wednesday, Feb 2nd. Assignments will be on Canvas by 8:30am. If you have questions, please email your teachers. Stay safe and warm. #PantherPride
February menu