Date: January 13th, 2023

To: Parents/Guardians,

As we enter the next couple of months of winter, there may be days when students are not physically in the building because of inclement weather.  The Indiana Department of Education (IDOE)  made a decision that a school corporation can only have 3 asynchronous eLearning Days for the 2022-2023 school year.  These days are already scheduled for September 16th, October 14th, and February 17th.  

These asynchronous eLearning Days procedures are:

  1. Assignments are posted on Canvas for students by 8:30am,

  2. Students complete the Attendance Form by 3pm located on the Pioneer Website,

  3. Students work at their own pace on assignments with some exceptions of timed quizzes or tests,

  4. Students are able to email teachers with questions between the hours of 8:30am and 2:30pm.

All other days that students are not in the building are synchronous Virtual Days. Synchronous Virtual Days are when teachers deliver content via Google Meets to students in real-time.  Students will be able to find their teacher’s Google Meet link on each teacher’s Canvas page.  As you can see below, students will attend their normal scheduled classes but with a shortened time frame.  Please know that students will be asked to interact as if they were in the physical building, take quizzes, tests, and participate in questioning and answering.  All students need to be prompt to the google meets, have the camera and sound on so that they are seen and heard, and ready to participate. Students have the same expectations as if they were in the building.  Students need to refrain from being a distraction from the educational process during the google meet.

Synchronous Virtual Day Schedule

1st Period : 9:00am - 9:30am

2nd Period : 9:35am - 10:05am

3rd Period : 10:10am – 10:40am

4th Period : 10:45am – 11:15am

5th Period : 11:20am – 11:50am

6th Period : 11:55am -12:25pm

7th Period : 12:30pm -1pm

Teachers will also have a 1 hour office hour after 5:00pm.  Please check with each individual teacher as to when they will be having their office hours.

Century Career Center students will not attend classes at the Career Center.  CCC students need to email their CCC teachers to check on assignments/quizzes/tests they have missed.

Mr. Jeff Brooke, Principal

 Pioneer Jr. Sr. High School

417 South Chicago St.

PO Box 547

Royal Center, IN 46978


(574) 643-3145 (T)

(574) 643-2020 (F)