Today, with the collaboration of the Administration, Food Service and IT, we were able to implement the use of a key card system for grades PK-4th to improve the time the students were standing in the lunch line. Previously, the students were given a couple of times to remember their student ID number and type it in before the teacher or the Food Service Manager would have to step in and assist them. This would cause the lines to back up and federal policy dictates that we can not type it in for them. This was an everyday occurrence especially in the younger grades. It is so important the students learn their ID number because it stays with them all through graduation.
Also today, we began plating all five (5) components of the school lunch meals for PreK- 3rd grade. These students will still get to choose a peanut butter and jelly sandwich instead of the main entree but they will get all the other components that is on the lunch menu. This will help with some parents concerns as well as speed up the lines even more as they will not get to pick and choose on the other items which was slowing down the lines.
Students will only have the key card in their possession from the time they leave the classroom to go to lunch to the time they scan it in the lunch line card reader. The card is turned into the Food Service Manager at the end of the line and then returned to the teachers for the next day.